Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012 -

I want to send out a Merry Christmas to all my family and friends. Although we live each day by God’s unmerited favor, I have come to appreciate the designation of one day a year in recognition of the birth of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s a wonderful time to be alive and be with family and friends. I, for one, give thanks to Almighty God, for sending his only Son into the world to save the world, and for giving we more time to be with family and friends.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Be More Like Little Children

My son Ian is a great example to me of childlike faith. It’s easy for him, he’s a child! Unencumbered by mosses and hubris, unpretentious and non-evasive.  The LORD continually uses my son to get my attention. He is a constant reminder that we all “... must become like little children to enter into the kingdom.” “Don’t hinder the little children to come to me.” He is generally very polite, and asks me all the time at Church meetings, if it’s OK to go up front to pray, pray for others or just worship the Lord. I generally agree, and get out of the LORD’s way. Many people are just blessed watching him in action.. in the LORD. Very precious.
Before Ian was born, both Paula and myself knew his name was to be John, and like John the Baptist, he was going to be a blessing to all . Lk 1:14 ‘He will be a delight to you and many will rejoice because of his birth.” We thought of calling him - John Paul Michael.. although, I liked the flow of the sounding, Paula and I both agreed that it sounded too much like the name of a Pope. We thought of the name Ian and was impressed that that was his name, Ian Michael - it was pleasant sounding. At first we were a little confused because, remember, his name was John. We were very excited and blessed to find out Ian was another name for John. Problem solved. Isn’t that like the LORD? “It is to the kings glory to conceal a matter.”
What most people don’t know, is that Ian, was almost not among us. Paula fell down a flight of stairs, and as a result, had some serious complications and was placed on bed-rest for a long period of time. Long story short, one day we were signing songs along with a Robin Mark CD in our living room, “Forever God is faithful, forever God is strong, forever God is with us, forever...” and the Spirit of the LORD came down with his presence, filled us up, and I laid hands on my wife’s tummy and prayed that the LORD would touch Ian and turn him around in the womb. I also sensed that he was filled with the Holy Spirit. Don’t forget John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth. Lk 1:15. The LORD also turned Ian around, and we got another sonogram to confirm it. He is a miracle from the LORD. 
When your find yourself in a difficult situation and your having trouble finding your joy, think of Ian, and ask the LORD to be more like him. “If you need joy, you must ask for it.” If you don’t know Ian, I would be delighted to introduce you to him...  ask him to pray for you and he will.
Blessings -

Sunday, July 22, 2012

There is Evil in the World

We are all reminded there is evil in the world with the shootings in CO.  I am sorry for the loss of life of all the loved ones that will be truly missed by the family, friends and associates. I am acquainted with tragically losing loved ones. I have lost two brothers in the past - one at 21 and one at 54 - tragically. They were here one day... gone the next. We will all wonder what would have been, had this not happened to those we love. For those of us who have survived, what would have happened to us, where would we be had we died? For those that are gone, there is always hope that the LORD knows them and is taking care of them. For those who currently have no assurance, we can offer hope: Gospel of John Chapter 1 verse 12, Jn 1:12: "Yet to all who received him, who believed in his name (Jesus Christ), he gave the right to become children of God." Romans 10:9 - "... That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in you heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.'" Our time has not yet come, but coming it is. Our hope is that we will all live long, healthy lives and see our children's children. We need to be ready, and Jesus Christ can make us ready. Now, at this time, our obligation is to the living. For many, this is a wake-up call. It is time to turn-around and turn towards God and receive forgiveness for our sins. If we turn in sincerity towards Him, he will turn towards us. Now is the time and today is the day of salvation.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day to all my family and friends.  In the words of Churchill, “Never has so much been owed by so many to so few...”
 As I understand it, 43 years ago today, during the Battle of Lamar Plain, in Vietnam, my brother was awakened by a clamor of his platoon leader having been incapacitated by an army of red fire ants swarming over his face. With his eyes swollen shut from the biting, he was in no condition to fly that morning. Warrant Officer, Tim Michael volunteered to take his platoon leaders flying slot - Tim told him to go to the flight surgeon for treatment. That was the last time he saw Tim - he was shot down and perished from the earth.. he was 21 years old and left behind a wife and 1 year old son.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day 2012 - Thank you..

Over the past ~236 years, many have laid down their lives for the cause of liberty and freedom. This Memorial Day, I wanted to remember those who have given their lives, and also thank their families, who suffered so much pain as a result of their loss. Because of these sacrifices, most of the rest of us were granted the liberty to enjoy the freedom associated with living in this great nation. “Never has so much been owed to so few by so many.” “Freedom is not free; somebody else paid for it...” Undoubtedly, in the future, others will be called on to serve and protect our country; if they fail to answer, and if we fail to support them, know that our enemies are willing to take it away. Pray this never happens, because the rest of us will only be able to reflect upon what we had & lost. I fellow Warrent Officer who flew with by brother Tim in Vietnam, sent me this article a few days ago. I would encourage you to read it. - Have a blessed Memorial Day.

Tom Manion: Why They Serve—'If Not Me, Then Who?'

After more than a decade of war, remarkable men and women are still stepping forward.

Friday, May 25, 2012

I have the day off today. The LORD is beating me up this morning (I must be alive!); I tought I would share the beating with you: 

“What a great deal of precious time I have trifled away and misspent in folly and vanity, and the things that do not profit. Time is a precious talent, which my Master hath entrusted me with and yet how long hath it been buried, and how much hath it run waste?” 


Monday, May 7, 2012

Back From the Dead

Back From the Dead
Where has time gone? Hard to believe it has been 7 months since I wrote anything; but then again, the way I have recently been feeling, I am back from the dead... emotionally that is. 
It is hard to put into context how I’ve been feeling since my operation last September 26th. I’ve nothing to compare it to. If there was ever a feeling of feeling “dead”... this is as close as I ever what to come. Imagine being motivated to do everything you need to do only because that is what people are expecting from you. Wife, children, associates at work, customers, dog... you understand. Imagine feeling that way and being unsure if you will every snap out of it? Imagine you have been walking with the LORD for 34 years and you can’t “feel” anything. I have always been an emotional and passionate individual, and although I understand we walk by “faith,” I have always had an appreciation for the presence of God in my life. Yes, I feel God. “.... thy rod and staff, they comfort me...”
Not sure if comfort is related to feeling the LORD; however, I understand better now, I need to take comfort, when you don’t feel comforted. “.... and without faith, it is impossible to please him.” We move forward towards the promised, because he who promised, has demonstrated his faithfulness in the past. 
Paul said, “.... when I am weak, then I am strong...”  I say, when I am weak, I am a weakling! I understand Paul was talking about running out of his own strength and finding the LORD to sustain him. I am saying, when I got weak, I got lame. I was reminded that “.... that I am but grass...” Weak, feeble, lame, tired, worth-less to the LORD, the LORD’s service, my family and the lost. 
Thank the LORD, I've been brought through the storm, and find myself almost in my right-mind. Emotions are returning and I am feeling closer to being myself again... I like being me. I like the way the LORD has made, and I appreciate all the LORD has done for me. I appreciate, my family, the believers, and friends, and the folks I work with.
As far as the cancer, I have been cancer free since September. I thank, the LORD, my wife and children, the Saints (Believers), and all those who fear God, who the LORD has taken notice of, that have prayed for me; I pray you have a vision, and find Jesus Christ as you personal LORD and Savior.
Lesson Learned: The LORD created us. “.... we are wonderfully made,” We need all the pieces and parts the LORD created us with... to be “normal.”
I hope to wright again soon.
Blessings - Mark